Saturday, June 28, 2014

Studying Online Business

       Online business is a business to earn money online, whether it be goods or services. Do not believe ads that offer the same advertising business without capital or small capital makes millions and even billions. Online business is not as easy back hand but do not be afraid also first online business is not as difficult to make rockets, friends hehehehe friends. 
All it requires a process. Be careful in choosing an online business which we will do, do not be easily fooled by ads that generate billions offers. So let's learn together. 
   An online business must know what to do so that the products or services offered can be a maximum income. So it is necessary for the knowledge that only too well understood in the operations in the field of Online Marketing. 

   Online business is divided into 2 Source of Income and Traffic Generation. Source of income is a source of income while the Traffic Generation is a way of promotion. So in essence, to make money, we have to combine or match between a source of income and way of promotion. 

1. Source Of Income (Source of Income) 

    Source of income or source of income was divided into 5 parts: 
a. PPS (Pay Per Sale) 
b. PPC (Pay Per Click) 
c. PPL (Pay Per Lead) 
d. Selling Your Own Product 
e. Auction (Auction) 

    Well I will explain one by one from a wide variety of sources of income at the top. 

a.PPS (Pay Per Sale) 
    is a source of income which we would be paid by the merchant based on the products we sell. It means we will get a commission if successfully sell other people's products or the term affiliate. The amount of commission is determined by the merchant itself. Famous examples of PPS is Click Bank, Amazon and others. 
b.PPC (Pay Per Click) 
    is a source of revenue for the affiliate program where we will be earning based on the number of people who megklik ads on the site that we have is provided by the ad provider. The amount of commission depends on the provider of the ad. Examples of the PPC like Adsense, Chitika and others. 
c. PPL (Pay Per Lead) 
    is a source of revenue for the affiliate programs in which we are paid based on the data we provide to the insurance company for example, now we will be given at a commission based on the data leads or prospects for the company itself. Examples of PPL is Max Bounty and Copeac. 
d. Selling Your Own Product 
    is a source of income where we will get the money from the sale of our own products or services. For the amount of course advantage that determine our own dong hehehhee. 
e.Auction (Auction) 
   nah this is the last auction. famous example is eBay and Flippa. 

2. Traffic Generation 
   Traffic Generation or how to promote an online business is divided into five, namely: 
a. Marketing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 
b. Pay Per Click Ads 
c. Social Media Marketing 
d. email Marketing 
e. Mobile Ads Marketing 

    Okay I'll try to explain part of the Traffic Generation section on top of the parts. 
a. SEO Marketing 
    Promotion is the way in which we optimize a web site or have we become rank 1 or at least top 5 on search engines or search engines like google. With the emergence of our web site or in the top 5 ranking in the search engines then most likely people will click on our site and would likely occur income.hehehe 
b. Pay Per Click Ads 
    This is different from Pay Per Click on Source of Income, if that is our investment in the service or pay of advertisers like Google Ads, Yahoo and MSN Ads Ads that appear on our website in the search engines rank 1. 
c. Social Media Marketing 
   we are trying to bring visitors to our website through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and others. 
d. email Marketing 
   with email marketing we are trying to attract visitors by sending an email to visitors who fill in their email to the email marketing website that we created and we do follow-up to them. 
e. Mobile Ads Marketing 
   we can draw period or visitors via Mobile Ads like in 

    I repeat again, in essence, we must mengkawinkan between sources of income by way of promotion to be able to generate revenue. We select our sources of income and create a website whose content or quality contents and then promote it to the fullest and internet users as much, with so willing Allloh will produce what we expect in Online Business. 

    Well this is the initial or base to be known for Online Business. If a lot wrong, I'm sorry. 
   Hopefully useful ....